Saturday 30 May 2015

Oh!.......The Inquisitive Society…….!!

             Somehow I feel that I should write, express my views or the so called perception about life for myself and for some others feelings with which it might coincide.
            Firstly, I have to admit that I am neither an extrovert nor an introvert. I neither spend hours on a social networking site nor less. I am neither a scholar nor a disciple. I am just a passive human being with an average IQ which sometimes remain still..!
              So now to the topic. This is about your neighbor, or your relative or your so called friend. The inquisitive minds, the curious nature of mine as well as yours. Their nature to know the slightest of the ‘motion’ in someone else’s lifestyle than thinking about himself.
              Curiosity begins in the form of many queries from the day one enters into this beautiful world which in turn makes it bad.
              “What are you going to keep his/her name?”…. “Did you check his/her horoscope?” and then during the next growth phase.. “Which school are you choosing?”… “How much is the fees there?”…. “Is it aided or unaided?....state syllabus or CBSE?”
               Then later during the teenage... “Oh my God! You are in 10th std. How are your studies?” This I feel is the funniest question all have faced in life. Since these results are left far behind in the further walks of life. The same continues in 12th. There even arise so many advises from the society on which group to opt in 11th std. How generous they are in giving advises, aren’t they? The poor child, he/she still cannot follow his heart though is 16 years old.
              Later you face similar inquisitive minds till you finish your graduation. Then ‘the job’..!!
“Aren’t you employed yet?”….. “Oh my God, you are jobless?”
              Somehow I feel it is an individual’s personal choice. We never know what runs through one’s mind. Is it that you gain knowledge only for a job; or is it to face the world, stand out in the crowd and be bold.
              And finally the marriage!... “Don’t you want to get married?”….. “Are you in a love relationship?”…… “Your parents are getting old!”
               Then the knot is tied; the inseparable bond. When eventually one finds his/her soul mate. But even then the ‘query’ never ends….. “Don’t you have kids?”….. “What are you planning so much?”…… “Are you undergoing any medical treatment?”
               These are so hilarious. Since it is one’s choice to get married and have kids. Is it that you get married only to have kids? I feel marriage is so divine and beautiful. You get married to live, love and share. The secondary question of having kids is one’s ‘so very personal choice’. But still, the society or the more specific Indian society is too inquisitive.
                This is a cycle, and when another child is born the same continues.  You have hundreds to think about yourself and your immediate family. Even then, eyes are wide open and ears sharpened to the surroundings.
               I apologize that this is not type casted to all. Because changes do happen and still are. ‘Mindset’ of the new generation is changing…..A worth matter happening…..!